Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Order to Cash Process Simplified

Business process:
  1. Products and their no.s in the inventory
  2. Re-order level of each items
  3. customer database with the credit ratings
Business process:
  1. The salesman captures the client with the product details and the quantity
  2. The corporate office checks the credit listing of the customer. If the customer is existing customer in the database then the order is accepted otherwise a credit checking mechanism department does the credit review of the customer and approves whether or not to accept the order.
  3. If the lead is accepted then an order is created in the system by converting the lead to order.
  4. The inventory is checked. If the quantity is available then the items are booked against that order. Otherwise purchasing department is intimated if quantity falls below the re-order level.
  5. The delivery challan is created and the order is shipped to the customer. There can be multiple delivery challan against the same order.
  6. The invoice is raised which will be either against one delivery order or can combine multiple delivery orders in one invoice.
  7. The payment is received against the invoice and it is marked as closed if the entire payment is made.

  1. Salesman
  2. Corporate office
  3. Credit Ratings department
  4. Purchasing/production department
  5. Warehouse manager
  6. Accounts

1 comment:

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